Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

Currently we're developing a couple of games or gamified concepts.

What do you specialize in?

Communication, understanding, versatility and innovation.

Wait! You don't specialize in HOT_TECHNOLOGY_2?

Yes, that is correct.

A monkey can code, and any sophomore can write a program that probably terminates. Software development, however, is not about the tools or the binaries. It's about the ability to communicate, empathize, and emphasize. It's about the ability to find a shared understanding, and make the mutually understood concept manifest in a form that is desirable. Tools are just tools.

What are the rates of your services?

Depends on the project/work, but you can mentally prepare for an hourly rate of $256.

Sounds like a risky investment; is it really worth it?

All ambitious enterprises are risky, and ambition is interesting. But if you get in touch with us, we'll gladly sit down for 1.5 hours to discuss your ideas & concerns. Pro bono, no fees involved.

What are your terms and conditions?

No JavaScript. No projects of over 300 man-hours. And the dog stays in the picture.